The nonlinearity measurement of charge-coupled device array spectrometer using colorful LED
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A nonlinearity measurement of the charge-coupled device (CCD) array spectrometer using flux addition and comparison method is described. The light with various colors from the colorful light emitting diode (LED) light source is applied to measure the nonlinearity of the spectrometer at different wavelengths, respectively. An high-end CCD array spectrometer is tested. For colorful LED light sources, the nonlinearity factors of the CCD array spectrometer (absolute value) are as follows:k<0.8% for white light, k <1.1% for red light, k <2.2% for green light and k<4.7% for blue light. By using those quasi-monochromatic light sources, it is shown that the nonlinearity depends on the wavelength. It is important to be wariness about the spectral nonlinearity and related uncertainty evaluation when the narrow-band light source is tested.
ZHAO Wei-qiang, LIU Hui, LIU Jian. The nonlinearity measurement of charge-coupled device array spectrometer using colorful LED[J]. Optoelectronics Letters,2017,13(6):436-438