Three-dimensional reconstruction for a large scene of integral imaging based on color-position characteristics
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A new large-scale three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction technology based on integral imaging with color-position characteristics is presented. The color of the object point is similar to those of corresponding points. The corresponding point coordinates form arithmetic progressions because integral imaging captures information with a senior array which has similar pitches on x and y directions. This regular relationship is used to determine the corresponding point parameters for reconstructing 3D information from divided elemental images separated by color, which contain several corresponding points. The feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated through an optical indoor experiment. A large-scale application of the proposed method is illustrated by the experiment with a corner of our school as its object.
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This work has been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.11474169).
JIAO Xiao-xue, ZHANG Lei, SUN Yu, ZHOU Li-qiu, ZHAO Xing. Three-dimensional reconstruction for a large scene of integral imaging based on color-position characteristics[J]. Optoelectronics Letters,2015,11(4):268-272