A generic numerical model of a long-wavelength Avalanche Photodiode (APD) based on narrow bandgap semiconductor InAsSb on lnAs substrate is reported for the first time. This model has been applied for theoretical characterization of a proposed N InAS/P-InAsSb avalanche photodiode structure for possible application in 2-5 μm wavelength region. The parameters such as gain, excess noise factor and their trade-offwith variation of doping concentration and bias voltage have been estimated for the APD taking into account history-dependent theory of avalanche multiplication process. The LWIR APD is expected to find application in optical gas sensor and in future generation of optical communication system.
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P. K. Maurya, H. Agarwal, A. Singh, P. Chakrabarti. InAs/InAsSb Avalanche Photodiode (APD) for applicaions in long-wavelength infrared region[J]. Optoelectronics Letters,2008,4(5):342-346