Optoelectronics Letters is the companion journal to Journal of Optoelectronics ,Laser (the core journal in Chinese) The purpose of Optoelectronics Letters is rapid reporting new important results in the fields of optoelectronics /photonics in English to advanced the international academic exchangesThe scope of Optoelectronics Letters is as follows:Novel oe-devices and applications:New materials and functional components: Micro-nano-structures and integrated optoelectronics: Nano-quantum optoelectronics: information optoelectronic technology;Sensing measurement and inspection; Storage and display; Image and information processing: Biomedical photonics. etc.Submission of manuscriptsThe submitted manuscripts should be the original work of the authors that has not been previously published in a ref-ereed journal and it is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhereEach manuscript should be four the journal pagesThe text of the manuscript is prepared by using Microsoft Word, and should be typed on one side only of A4 pages using font size 10.5 of Times New Roman typeface.It is needed to submit one original and a disk of the manuscript to the editorial office(263 South-Hongqi Road. Nankai District. Tianjin 300191. China) The manuscripts can also be submitted by e-mail to oel@263. net or oelett @yahoo com. cn.It is welcome to suggest possible reviewers for the manuscript, with full information on the postal and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers